Why have I not posted for so long? Sometimes life takes over!
So, I started this blog a few months back and my initial intention was to post an article every couple of weeks.
Some of you might have noticed that things have gone quiet over the last couple of months. Let me assure you that I am still here and I do not intend to put things to a halt. I have a few articles in the pipeline and I am hopeful that they will hit the blog very soon.
If the articles are there, why not post them some might ask. Well, I have always been a perfectionist in a weird way. This does not mean that I will not plunge into an activity unless I have a very thorough understanding about everything that goes on. On the contrary, I will, but this always ends up leading me down a very deep rabbit hole. As soon as I get into something I am constantly trying to improve. It has always been like that both in my work and in my hobbies. Some might have noticed that my photography skills are not great. Well, even if you haven’t, let me be the first to admit it! Being true to my constantly improving style, I decided to address the issue. I went ahead and bought a nice piece of kit only to realise that there is no point of having something like this and setting it to auto. I mean my phone could do that with the added advantage of being a bit cheaper.
After enrolling in an online class and after reading a lot of material, I now have a much deeper understanding of how a camera works and of the million ways to use natural light to the photographer’s advantage.
Unfortunately, right after this deep revelation real life took over! An imminent job change and a few days of much needed summer holidays put everything on hold. Upon my return, things turned even more real! I realised that I am now doing something that I really love but while trying to get the hang of my new responsibilities I couldn’t devote as much time to my hobbies! When I finally had everything back on track, the cloudy London weather decided to step in stopping me from using that expensive piece of kit to take dreamy pictures with amazing backgrounds! The few spells of sunshine that I got, I decided to spend with my friends and loved ones rather than doing anything else.
Well, before you know it, November is here and I have not posted anything for such a long time. If only you could imagine my guilt for not keeping true to my initial goals and objectives!
Well, I now realise that sometimes, not everything aligns the way it should in order to fit perfectly around our complicated schedules and lives and although perfection could always be the end goal it doesn’t matter if it takes a bit longer to achieve.
Considering that I really enjoy writing and running the blog, I realised that I have really missed it and have decided that I will start posting again even if my pictures will not be winning any awards anytime soon! They will either improve with time, like a good wine, or you will have to endure through them! If I somehow manage to snap a few decent ones, there is always the option of going back and updating the posted material. A remastered entry if you will!
So, if you want to see a rare Guinand-Chronosport, read about a nice Sinn 103 and have a look at a few microbrands keep checking in and you will not be disappointed!